Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

Elder Rodriguez goofing around, as usual!

Hey Mom!
I'm good! I have a lot of emails to write so this is gonna be short. Today for P-day I might buy a guitar or a pipa(kite). They have crazy kite battles like on the Kite Runner!! This past week we ate lunch at this lady's house and she served us this substitute coffee and it was gross. I tied to make it taste better by putting sugar in it but she just filled it with more coffee stuff so I had to drink even more of the gross stuff. Tell Aunt Shellie that I met up with the elder that she and Kyle knows. Its crazy that his mom and Aunt Shellie are like best friends. He also knows Danielle and a lot of people that we knew from our old ward( our old neighbor from Corona). The baptism went well and I will send more info on that next week. Here are a few pictures, I will send more. I love you

Monday, August 10, 2009

A short note to Grandma Bev

Hey Grandma--
Yup out in the mission field and it is awesome! Know wonder LaVonne didn't want to leave New Zealand. There is a bunch of hills here and I get blisters and shin splints like crazy but it is worth it. My companion, Elder Lyman is awesome as well. He is from Colorado and has been out for a year so far. He helps me out a lot. Now for some successes, We made 15 contacts today to people on the street. I teach a good chunk of the principles to investigatos and we are baptising a lady this week. I never thought that we would get a baptism this quick. I will give you the details after it happens-----Elder Rodriguez

Out in The Field!

Dear Family-----
I'm still alive and well. We flew down to Londrina at 3 in the morning then had lunch with the president. The took a 4 hour bus ride to Bauru and have had an awesome 6 days so far. The language is finally entering my head and my companion, Elder Lyman is pretty cool. While going to visit with some members yesterday we saw a couple of Toucans, so that was pretty cool. The days are long and I get tired by the end of the day. I have blisters but at the end of the day it is well worth it! Oh ya, I forgot that we are baptizing a lady this week. Never thought it would be this quick, crazy huh?!?! I will take pictures of the baptism. I heard that Brayden is having a good time too, saw the pictures. Well I will send you the rest of my adventures in the mail!! Love you Elder Jordan Rodriguez


Dear Family----
This is the last letter to you from the MTC. Went proselyting again, in the rain but it was still fun. We got out all our Books of Mormons. We talked to some bums( homeless people) and to some other people but it was all good. We also went to a city walk which was like Wall Street of Sao Paulo so we were talking to a bunch of business people. I'm definitely going to get a hot wife because it rains like crazy here. It has been raining for 4 days straight. We went to the temple this last P-day and I bought some nice Portuguese scriptures with a case that has the Sao Paulo temple on it. My Portuguese is coming along OK, I guess but I will really find out when I leave the MTC. Man, I cant wait to get out of this MTC! I am really excited to go out into the field. I also hope that my companion is cool. Last Tuesday I sang a solo for a devotional and I thought I did OK, it was real cool. I am going to ask if I could do another solo this Sunday for a prelude. Don't worry about me, I have Heavenly Father on my side along with Jesus Christ. That's as good as a bullet proof vest! ----Love Elder Jordan Rodriguez

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Elder Rodriguez has Arrived in the Mission Field

Dear Family of Elder Rodriguez,

We are writing to inform you that on August 4, 2009, Elder Rodriguez arrived very well in the Brazil Londrina Mission field. We were very happy to meet him and to know that from now on he is part of this great and wonderful army of the Savior. After a long wait and much preparation, he along with many other missionaries arrived at the mission home safely and very excited. They had lunch, and after a great testimony meeting he learned who would be his companion. The Brazil Londrina Mission is a blessed land where many people are hearing and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a joyous way. It is an honor for us to be able to receive your son in this area, and we know that this is possible only because you have so lovingly taught, guided and cared for him until he could arrive here. We want you to know that we will strive to fulfill all his needs, and will take care of him as if he were our own son. Thank you for trusting us with your son for this short yet fundamental period of time in his life!

We are at your disposition to help in any way during this time.

With gratefulness and love,

President and Sister Leal
Missao Brasil Londrina